Is Blog Writing For Business Dead?  

Can Writing A Blog Bring New Clients Into Your Small Business?

Blogging has been around for over 28 years, according to HubSpot, and there are an estimated 600 million blogs worldwide. Which raises the question is blogging for business dead? Or is it still possible to use a blog to your business's advantage?

This blog will examine whether it is worth putting your fingers on the keys and writing a blog in 2023 or if that ship has sailed.

Blogs for marketing   

Blogs are written for business for two main reasons: for SEO and to drive traffic (prospects) to a website. Search engines love new content, so adding a weekly blog helps to feed the beast with a regular supply.

However, you be thinking, with over 600 million blogs worldwide, hasn't every possible subject already been covered? 

The great thing about a blog is that it can be written in your business style, showing your thoughts on an idea or topic, which makes it unique. It helps people get to know your business and gives insight into what it is like to work with you. 

Blogging is a great way to attract new people to your website who search for the subject you have blogged about—then sharing your blog link on an email list and social media will bring even more visitors to your website. You can also share the link with people who come into your world with the problem your blog addresses. To save you from having to answer the same question multiple times and show your authority in your area of expertise. The extra traffic brought to your website will be looked on favourably by search engines which will help you to rank higher in searches.    

A Blog Gives You A Voice

Having a blog gives the business and you a voice for free. This voice can help your readers to learn more about the business. What you stand for and how you differ from all others in your industry.  A brilliant tool for marketing the uniqueness of the business.

A blog can also be used to call out the issues in your industry, talk about amazing things that happen in the business and your industry or give people an insight into your work.  You can even use a blog to write about exciting things that people in the business get up to out of work, such as charity events and exciting adventures.   

A blog helps you convert leads.   

A blog is a perfect way to demonstrate your expertise as a business; you can do this by making the blogs useful. Helping your readers to get quick wins when they implement your ideas and advice will show that you are credible and know what you are talking about. People may think that if this is your free advice, how good is your paid advice?   

Adding a CTA (call to action) to your blog will help your readers to take the next step. This could include filling in their information to join your email list, going to a relevant landing page or downloading your free offer. When you have people's details and permission to contact them, you can continue to email them in the future. Do it right, and some of these people will become customers in the future. 

Blogs stay around.  

While writing a blog may take a while, once they are written, they stay around forever. You can then repost them, repurpose the content and send them to new prospects who need a little help. All of this makes them well worth the time they take to write in the first place.   

As we can see, blogging for business is far from dead and is a handy free tool to market a business. A blog will stay around to engage, entertain and educate your readers (many of which will become customers) long after the metaphorical ink is dry.  

If you need help coming up with ideas for relevant blogs or writing blogs for your business, you can get help from me via the Copy tune-up or by hiring me to write the blog for you. Fill in your details here, and I will be in touch. 

Written by Rebecca Harrison, a direct response copywriter from Newbury in Berkshire who can work anywhere in the world (by the power of the internet).