Do You Really Need To Write A Blog For Your Business?

Is It Worth Writing a Blog for Your business?

You probably already have enough to do, so you may wonder, do I need to write a blog for my business, and will I get any benefit from it?

Especially as writing a blog takes time, brain power and effort to create.

Obviously, you can have a business without a blog, but there are many benefits to creating a blog, especially if you are working online. It can help you make an asset which will be evergreen and help your potential clients again and again.

6 Benefits of Writing a Blog for Your Business.

1. A Blog Can Increase Traffic to Your Website.

One of the main benefits of having a blog is that it can help you increase your website's traffic. People can find one of your blogs during a search. Then click through to your website, and you gain an extra reader. The more readers you get, the more Google will favour your content, as it likes to keep its users happy.

According to HubSpot, a business that writes a blog will get 55% more website traffic than one that doesn't, which is a pretty good reason to get writing.

Each blog post adds a new page to your website and increases the chances of your website coming up in relevant searches.

You can also share links from your blog to customers, an email list, or on social media, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest. These links will help drive more traffic to your website and increase the chance of new people seeing your content and finding out more about your business.

2. A Blog Helps Improve Your SEO Ranking.

Search engines love new content, and having a regular blog with your chosen keywords is a great way to keep them happy. Add this to writing about subjects people want to read about, and you can keep a steady traffic flow to your website.

Build Trust In Your Business.

3. Blogging Is A Great Way To Showcase Your Skills.

Whether you want to be seen as a thought leader, an expert in your industry or a knowledgeable business owner, writing a blog can help you. It gives you a platform to showcase your skills, thoughts and knowledge that can be found in searches, all for free!

Your thoughts and ideas can stay on your website there to educate and connect with people for years to come, which makes the initial effort of writing them well worth it.

3. Build customer relationships.

Creating blogs will help you to build trust with your customers. You can write case studies and show how you have helped other people and the great results they have created after working with you.

Adding a call to action (CTA) to each blog can also create leads for your business. The CTA can ask your readers to download an eBook, read a white paper, join your email list or read another blog. These actions will help you show your skills, build a relationship with the reader, and convert some of your readers into leads.

A blog can take time to write but can be evergreen, educating your readers for years.

5. Answer those FAQs.

You can use a blog to answer those frequently asked questions that your ideal clients often have. This will help people researching your business to answer any questions or objections that may arise while browsing.

You can also send the blog to people who have a question that the blog answers. This will save you time and possibly your sanity - as you won’t have to answer the same question repeatedly, but you can still be helpful and educate your potential clients.

We all like to feel understood, and answering your readers' questions before they have asked them does precisely this. Once your blog is written, it can answer your readers' questions while you get on with something else.

6. Repurpose blogs for social media content.

A blog takes a while to write, but once the content is written, you can repurpose it over and over again. This can be either a whole blog or taking small parts of the blog to create social media posts, articles and content for an email list. You can also hand the blogs over to an assistant who can take parts of the blog to post on social media.

Whilst a blog isn't essential, it has its benefits. Not only as a blog but as a resource you can share again and again. Helping you to build relationships, increase authority, drive traffic to your website and bring in more potential customers, which is what most businesses need.

Written by Rebecca Harrison, a direct response copywriter from Newbury in Berkshire who can work anywhere in the world (by the power of the internet).