Do we need to do it all?

There was a time when I thought I did.

That I just needed to dig a little deeper, suck it up and force myself to do the task anyway.

Even if I hated every minute of it.

Or if someone else could do it much better, easier, and faster than I ever could.

These days I'm a bit kinder to myself.

Maybe a little wiser too, but not always 😂

I know my strengths. 💪

The things that light me up put a spring in my step and make my heart sing.

I also know the things that others can do better than I can in half the time.

It all happened after a nasty reminder of how short life is.

I decided it was time to do more of what I enjoy and get rid of the stuff I hate.

It happens to lots of people, I guess.

I have had to make significant changes in my business

Learn new stuff.

And take a giant leap of faith.

Which, of course, was scary (often the best things are).

And yes, sometimes I wondered if I'd made the right decision.

Yet, as time has passed, things are less scary and much more fun.

I now wake up excited for the day ahead...

Not with a gut-wrenching feeling of overwhelm and dread.😨

Looking for an excuse to put off THOSE tasks that I struggle with.

The tasks that I hate.

Now don't get me wrong, not every day is unicorns, frolicking in fields, and candyfloss...🦄

Running a business never is.

Or life, come to think of it...

But on the whole, it's good.

And the stuff I was scared about...

Well, most of that was in my head.

The scenarios that I created were just scenarios in my head.

I guess it often works out that way.

None of it actually comes true.

It's just our brains trying to keep us safe...

But in reality, they keep us small in trying to keep us safe.

Unless we call them out, that is.

So, if you have any tasks that fill you with dread, look for options to eliminate them. 

You'll probably find it's easier than you imagine!

Well, that's it from. 

I'm off to learn about gold bars for a new client! 😁


P.S. If copywriting is one of the tasks that fill you with dread, send me a message, and we may be able to arrange for that pain to disappear.