Cycle Breaker Sales Page

Learn how to Break the Cycle and Become the Guilt-Free, Safe, and Loving Parent Your Kids Deserve  

Supporting Them to Flourish and Building the Connected,  

Loving Family You Desire.  

Shouting, anger and crippling guilt don't need to be part of YOUR family life anymore. 

There is a way to heal those overwhelming feelings the kids unknowingly trigger. 

How do I know this?  

Because I grew up in a house with an alcoholic parent, and I'm a cycle breaker myself.  

Hi, I'm Laura Linklater, and I help parents like YOU who've had a tough upbringing to stop the cycle and become the gentle, safe parent they want to be. 

To feel in control and confident, that their mood isn't subject to their kid's behaviour or the next inevitable meltdown.  

If you grew up in a toxic stress environment, your nervous system base level will be hyper-aware. This is understandable as you relied on it, to keep yourself safe for years.  

But now, bring hyper-aware can just feel like you're riding an out-of-control emotional roller coaster. The highs becoming blackened as you wait for the next inevitable dip when the kids push your buttons, or you see something triggering on the news. 

This hyper-aware state you live in has done its job, and maybe now it's to time find some calm and heal those wounds for good.  

Breaking my own cycle and becoming the guide my kids deserve inspired me to create The Turning Point Program to help other parents break the cycle.  

Who is The Turning Point Program for?  

It's for parents of kids under 10 who want to be gentle, caring and empowering in the way they raise their kids. To give them an environment of safety, unconditional love (which they were often denied) and respect, even when their behaviour is challenging.  

What The Turning Point Program Includes:  

TWELVE MONTHS of practical parenting and self-healing support

We will go deeper than any parenting hacks to help you empower yourself and to understand your subconscious drivers. To heal your nervous system and your childhood wounds forever: 

Monthly 1:1 calls with me

Meaning you can discuss privately what's rising as you journey through the units and healings. Giving you 1:1 support for your specific challenges. 

Weekly 1 hr group session

These small group sessions help us to learn from each other experiences and grow in confidence throughout the program.  

Weekly 30min group EFT sessions

Emotional freedom sessions (EFT) teach you to calm your nervous system and give you the tools to release stress and stay in control whenever necessary. 

4 Units (each 6 weeks long)

Heal Diligently,  


Raise them Up!  

Authentic You, to empower you to break the cycle once and for all  

Other weeks

Healing circle… inner child healing, guest speakers, workshops, meditation sessions, somatic healing. 

Integration Weeks

2 weeks after each unit to give you time to implement the new techniques you have learnt before continuing your learning.  

PLUS, a comprehensive practical parenting skills course

This teaches you to build up your children so that they make their own, reasoned decisions about their actions and reflect (yes, even from very young). 

CTA Button: Yes, I have reached my turning point.  


You are now the adult.  

And you have the choice and the power to make the change. To break the cycle for you, your children and for future generations.  

But you don't have to do it alone. The Turning Point Program will give you everything you need for your journey.  

You will be fully supported, as you walk the path of healing and learn the skills to become the parent you always wanted to be. 

It can be life-changing for both you and your family.  

With my 4-pillar methodology, you can learn how to map your stress levels and responses to your environment—enabling you to gain control and move out of that phase, through to feelings of safety without outside assistance. 

Just because someone treated you poorly in childhood doesn't mean you or your children are destined to a life of worse chances, angry relationships and repeating patterns. 


Insane amount of guilt. The shame is enormous, and there's just an assumption of blame. I love that you were able to give this family real judgement-free support.  

One of the significant insights into my parenting that I have gained through working with Laura is that there is a lot of healing to be done first and that this will take hard work and support.  

This week I said no to something for the first time. I realised my value to the community isn't tied to the number of hours I put in doing things. 

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The Turning Point Plan  

  • 1 Year of practical parenting and self-healing support

  • 12 Monthly 1:1 calls with me

  • Weekly 1 hr group session

  • Weekly 30min group EFT sessions

  • 4 Units (each 6 weeks long)

  • Integration Weeks

  • Healing circle… inner child healing, guest speakers, workshops, meditation sessions, somatic healing

  • PLUS, a comprehensive practical parenting skills course



  • Radical Compassion eBook

  • Heart Activation Breathing Meditation (and access to any other meditations I record throughout the year)



The turning point program isn't for everyone. It is for parents who want to change the course of their family life forever.  

Parents who don't want their children to feel like they are constantly stepping on eggshells, waiting to be in trouble for just being kids. 

Parents who are tired of the shouting, anger, and crippling guilt and know they will be the ones to break the cycle.  

You don't need to imagine what it's like to be an in-control parent anymore. You can be that person. Not just for your kids, but for yourself too – because you deserve to feel good.  

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 What my clients say

I have learned to acknowledge my past, how it teaches me, how it triggers me and how to love my inner child and nourish her. I thank those who support me in doing so and being there at the end of a voice note. You have helped me heal in ways I cannot put into words. 

I would recommend them to anyone who feels they want to understand themselves or communicate with their children (of any age) better than they do now.  

Calmer parent. It's been a total game changer. I believe it will help me massively in my healing journey